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Physical medical evidence of torture

        This set of materials focuses on "Chapter V PHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF TORTURE" of Istanbul Protocol.


Basic Training Materials

Physical evidence (slides)

IP chapter V Overview:Physical evidence.

Photographic documentation (slides)

A short self study program to improve visual documentation.


Advanced Training Materials

Falanga (slides)
Falanga is a common form of torture with characteristic long term symptoms.



A sample of photo documentation form (tool)
A training and documentation tool- informations to be recorded with pictures taken of an injury in a comprehensive documentation.
IP Annex Medical evaluation guidelines (tool)
IP Annex IV can be used a s short guideline in the examination.
Time line demonstration (tool)
Use this timeline in exercises to summarize events and injuries - a demonstration example.
Event time line Demonstration (extended version) (tool)
Use this timeline in exercises to summarize events and injuries - next steps- details.
Extended Literature List (tool)
Literature list - abstracts of recent relevant publications especially in medicine and psychiatry.


Practice Cases

Practice Case No 1
An interdisciplinary case example that can be used in training.
Practice Case No 2
An interdisciplinary case example that can be used in training.
Practice Case No 3
An interdisciplinary case example that can be used in training.
Practice Case No 4
An interdisciplinary case example that can be used in training.
Practice Case No 5
An interdisciplinary case example that can be used in training.

Self Assessment Exercise

Physical examination..
Key points in the physical examination.

A simple test to explore your awareness and knowledge of basic aspects of the IP. This can also be used to see if your knowledge has improved after an IP training. If you score low, feel encouraged to read the IP and our materials and take a training.

No Additional Material (3rd party)


Multilingual Material

Fyzicke zdravotni dukazy muceni (cs)
Der Nachweis von körperlichen Folgen der Folter (de)
Αποδεικτικά στοιχεία σωματικού βασανισμού (el)
Pruebas medicas fisicas de tortura (es)
Fysisch medisch bewijs van foltering (nl)
Fizicni zdravstveni dokazi mucenja (sl)

Practice Cases

Praktické případy (cs)
Fallbeispiele (de)
Περιπτώσεις για πρακτική άσκηση (el)
Ejemplos de casos (es)
Praktijk Cases (nl)
Primeri prakse (sl)
Training Subjects: