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How to use the ARTIP material
How to use ARTIP (slides)

An overview of available ARTIP materials and their use.

                                                                                                   (cs) (de) (el) (es) (nl) (sl)

Istanbul Protocol (IP) Manual
Istanbul Protocol
Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.


ARTIP Curriculum Handbook.

Information on each basic ARTIP document.
Examples for using ARTIP materials to develop a practice oriented exercise.

Setting up IP trainings

A trainer may find useful guidelines of how to set up an IP training.


Aspects of interdisciplinary settings

Recommendations for setting up an interdisciplinary training environment.

                                                                                                   (cs) (de) (el) (es) (nl) (sl)

Setting up a training on the Istanbul Protocol (manual)

General examples and consideration in preparation of a training on the IP.

                                                                                                   (cs) (de) (el) (es) (nl) (sl)

       Expert's Database/List

       In this list you may find an Expert on IP.