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Advanced material

        This set of materials focuses on advanced issues.


Various subjects

Falanga (slides)

Falanga as example of a common torture technique with specific injuries.

Falanga (laminas) (Spanish)
Φάλαγκα (διαφάνειες)
Falanga slides in Greek
Brain Trauma
Brain trauma is common and relevant but also frequently not recognised.
Transcultural General Aspects

Cultures shapes all aspects of interaction and the investigation - read a short overview.

Using Cloud Collaboration (slides)
Using internet based structures as a shared tool ("cloud") can aid in local or international collaboration.
Colaborar literatura (Spanish)
Trauma y consecuencias de la violencia grave - un reto interdisciplinario (Spanish)


Working with translators

Working with translators (English)

Working with translators in asylum or similar settings requires special considerations.

Working with translators (German)
Working with translators in asylum or similar settings requires special considerations.
Trabajar con traductores (Spanish)


Psychological Questionnaires

Advanced text Working with psychological questionnaires (English)
Psychological questionnaires can support diagnostics - a short overview.
Clinical administered PTSD scale for DSM-IV (tool)
Advanced text Working with psychological questionnaires (German)
Psychological questionnaires can support diagnostics - a short overview.
Advanced text Working with psychological questionnaires (Greek)



The Istanbul Protocol and Asylum Procedures

The Istanbul Protocol can be used as an important tool in the asylum process. Special considerations apply.

An overview of the special aspects of the use of the IP in asylum 

Austrian Asylum Procedure (text)

A detailed analysis of Austrian Asylum procedures (as to 2012) as example of a common asylum system underthe Dublin model.

Asylverfahren in Deutschland


Additional Materials (3rd party)

Advanced Material
Training Subjects: